Many months have passed and I haven’t posted any new updates.
What can I say? It has been a frantic couple of months to be honest!
First of all Galactic Warlords hit Kickstarter! The response was great, but the feedback was even greater! You asked for more and you even proposed new things to be introduced! You wanted more gaming modes, more stuff and more variety! And Archona Games and I were happy to oblige! I really liked what they decided and I really like where they’re heading with my game! They have drive and vision and I couldn’t be more happy! So we’ve taken a step back and on September we’re ready to hit Kickstarter again with a brand improved game!
As far as designing is concerned I’ve been working on numerous titles of mine. So far the “Granny”, the “Poltergeist” and “Families and Bloodlines” have attracted a good deal of attention and hopefully will be hitting the shelves in the near future.
However, work hasn’t stopped…!
For the past couple of months I’ve been working on a past project named “Archons of Magic”, a personal favorite of mine! A fast-paced, replayable yet quite an addictive game that comes along with a great deal of adventuring and magnitude! Right now, I’m putting on the final touches and the game will be ready to hit its open-beta stage next week.
You can participate in it and help me improve the game! You only have to e-mail me at or send me a pm at my social network profiles! So, if you’re up for it, feel free to give a shout out! Send me a message!
In a couple of days, I’ll be offering much more information on that mysterious title. Could you bear the heavy burden of knowledge, especially when it concerns intriguing global matters of the arcane…?